2. To learn more about how to make gau and why it has significance to my family, I am planning to interview my dad and my aunty. I will interview both my dad and my aunty sometime between August 27th and 30th.
3. The following will be among some of the questions I will ask during my interview:
- Does it have any symbolic meaning to the chinese culture?
- What does gau mean to our family?
- What is the history of this chinese dessert?
- Where did you get the recipe for gau?
- Is this food a tradition in the family?
- How do you make it?
- What are the ingredients?
- Did your parents make gau for you when you were young?
- Ask to define certain words... (e.g. what does "gau" mean in Chinese, ect.)
- Is there any memories that were because of making or eating gau?
- Do you have your own opinions about the recipe, or even the dish itself?
- Did you ever try to add and extra ingredient that wasn't on the recipe, maybe just to try it out?
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