Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Message of a T-shirt

I express
by color and design
by feelings and creativity
I am a t-shirt
I may be that one shirt you go to for comfort
for laughs
for the feeling of belonging.
I am practical in most situations,
although once in a while, I feel out of place.
T-shirts are special,
they are common and simple but they can say a lot
I am a t-shirt


  1. Hey KOrie!!

    I liked the way you compared yourself to a T-shirt... I agree that you can be simple but you are creative, and you can standout sometimes. your poem flowed nicely and I liked how you use 'color and design' on a t-shirt to express what you mean to say. Your ideas are creative, although I would recommend that you don't keep repeating "i am a t-shirt" because you should show rather then tell.

    I really dont have anything to say about improvement because it seems to me that you wrote this poem well and decribe yourself well too.

    Overall, I enjoyed reading your poem...Good WORK!!!

    ---> MAddie

  2. Hey Korie Korie Lum Lum!!
    Gee, I wonder where you came up with t-shirt? A basket of laundry perhaps?

    Anyway, you really do resemble a shirt.
    You are simple and coincidently, you always wear simple t-shirts to school, too. Sometimes, those t-shirts have creative graphics on it. BRIGHT ORANGE!!!

    "I express by color and design."
    -Like a t-shirt has different graphics on it, you can be creative. I saw you working on that leader for the morning bulletin. Good job, btw.

    " feelings and creativity"
    -I agree that shirts can have feelings and creativity, just like you. At times, you are up and you are down. Just like how you can dress clothing up or down. Shirts are creative just like you, as mentioned before.

    "I may be that one shirt you go to for comfort."
    -This has to be my favorite phrase. Everyone has their favorite shirt, a special one. When you are feeling cold, you would wear that special shirt that would keep you warm. Just like the people around you, Korie. You may be their favorite "shirt." When they are feeling cold (out of place), they would go to you for comfort. I love this relationship between you and the t-shirt. Excellent.

    "...for laughs..."
    -I agree that shirts can be funny, especially when the graphics written on them are hilarious. Just like you. At times, you are funny and your laughing is very contagious. So, I end up laughing myself.

    "...for the feeling of belonging."
    -T-shirts are a part of a person, therefore, it is of importance to them. Symbolically, you are that t-shirt. You can be that one special person to someone, just like a shirt. Like a possession.

    "I am practical in most situations, although once in a while, I feel out of place."
    - In reality, there are many types of fashion and style expressed by students. Some are very fashionable and wear all kinds over just one plain shirt for style. Some are just simple. And when these simple ones are in a crowd, they feel out of place. Just like you. There are times when you fit in with everyone, but there are those moments when you just don't. I have that same feeling.

    "T-shirts are special, they are common and simple but they can say a lot."
    -All t-shirts have their own personality. Whether it be their color, design, graphics, or style. They are worn by everyone and they are simple. I hope I am not confusing shirts with tops and blouses. Anyway, just the way a shirt is manufactured gives the shirt its uniqueness. Just like you. (I keep saying this) You were born unique, different from everyone - making you a special "t-shirt." You are just like everyone else , but your personality is what makes you different.

    Excellent Job!!
    I was able to realize how each part of the poem really relates to you.
    Good luck on the metaphor video....:D

    Note: Please forgive me if my interpretation of your poem is wrong. I am still trying to develop my analytical skills....

  3. HI Korie,
    I agree with your teammates: great job on your metaphor. (And it looks as if you're continuing to work with conciseness ;)
    You've been able to cover several character traits through your metaphor and have selected ones that match very well with the traits of a tee shirt....
    This is gonna make an interesting video!
    mrs s
