Saturday, May 22, 2010

GLO Website Established! :D

This year came a close a lot faster than I anticipated! :) Everything has been a great learning experience for me so far, and I am very happy with how my work had came out! Last year, I had no idea I would be able to get this far with all the wonderful projects I have completed. I've also been blessed with a few competitions that my teams have placed it :D

Here is my GLO website! It displays my best work and shows why it meet the following GLOs:

If you have the time, please comment on this blog so that it may help me in the future! Thanks!
  1. What did you like best about my portfolio and portfolio conference? What would you like to see me improve on in my portfolio?
  2. From your point of view, which of my attainments of the 6 general learner outcomes is of most value? Please explain why you feel it is important and what about my documentation of it impresses you.
  3. Which of the GLOs would you like me to focus on in the coming year(s)?

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