Friday, August 6, 2010

Coming of Age: The Real Deal

The theme 'Coming of Age' can relate to many events in a person's life. It may be from diapers to underwear, preschool to elementary, or even losing your first tooth. Right now for me, 'Coming of Age' is closest generalized to the way society judges me as an individual based on my actions and outlook on everyday things. For example, if I had positive actions and outlooks I would more likely be successful with aspects such as communication, collaborating, problem solving, and setting goals and achieving them.
I can tell that I am coming to the time in my life where I am beginning to enter the 'Coming of Age' stage because of all the new freedoms, as well as responsibilities that I now have. I was able to work part time at a cleaning job this summer, this taught me how to manage my summer 'fun' with work time, as well as reinforcing great skills like following directions and taking initiative. I not only gained a good learning experience, but earned my own money as well. Another freedom I have is that I am able to stay up later than I was allowed to in elementary or middle school. I know that the extra time I have at night needs to be used wisely for school work and planning. Although, I have the big responsibility for actually waking myself up on time, and dragging myself out of bed in time for school the next morning. More recently has my dad been (kind of) threatening me to be on time when its time for me to be picked up from places or "I will have to walk home from where ever I am." As much as I don't like this, I realize that he is trying to install the value of being on time, and not having others wait around for you being late.
I realize that I have only started my 'Coming of Age' in to adulthood. It will not be easy, but how I decide to take action on certain things and my attitude will either make, or break, me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Korie,
    Love your blog the usual, inimitable Korie style...with humor and wit :)
    Nice job of we sure did a lot of blogs ;>
    assessment: 4

    COA: good ideas for the COA essay...and nice job of including both the up side and the down side of your newly found freedom (and, I once got left by my dad...I had to walk to school 'cause I was never on time in the morning...of course, 50s Waipahu was a sleepy plantation town so a kid walking to school in the 3rd grade was not a big deal...but I used to tease my dad about it in adulthood, trying to give him a guilt trip ;)
    assessment: 4
    mrs s
