Thursday, September 10, 2009

Brainstorm: Favorite places (Journal # 8)

Here are a list of places I enjoy going to, and listed under those places are why I like to go there:

1. My Backyard
- It is green with plants and grass, overlooking the valley below (to get into palasades)
- There is a bench-swing that just misses the direct rays of the sun, so that I can sit in the shade, while being warmed
- This place is serene and is ideal for reading a book or sleeping outside

2. Kung Kung's House
- There is always a stock of ice pops and ice cream in the freezer that Kung Kung buys especially for my cousin, brother, and me.
- Kung Kung takes pride in his backyard, there are different patterns in the grass (creative)
- there is always an "open door" for when we visit (lower pearl city)

3. Washington (state)
- smelling the sharp spring/fall air
- visiting family-friends
- going to different places every time my family travels to WA (always somewhere new to visit, and going back to places we've already been)

1 comment:

  1. HI Korie,
    You've presented a nice selection of special places as possible subjects for your querencia essay.
    When you make your selection, think of the place that most "nurtures" you and helps you to be you...something that contributes to your identity and your sense of self.
    Thus, when you describe the place, you will be connecting it to you and the person you are.
    mrs s
